was producing my print designs.
(Image of one design printed without the brown ink- the dress shape and sections are not as sharp as I would like)
So I reflected back on my work experience in Milan when I was working with textile designers. I visited factories where I saw print work being produced on mass- I was trying to remember their styles and techniques for developing and layering screen prints. It was all computerized and done by machinery which would explain the perfection- however during my sleep that night it came to me that its solid templates instead of finicky bits of card that are masking taped together that would work.
This morning I spent a few hours creating solid templates- one for my turquoise colour, one for the green, one for the grey and one for the brown. These protect the dress shape and keeps the structure of the stencils solid.
Whilst trialing it this afternoon- the time to print was much quicker only taking me an hour to print one design. And it kept the whole process cleaner and lines crisper. With no residue touching the exterior white silk. I feel Ive found the technique and now I need to create these templates for all of my designs.
Im also starting to embellish on top of some to see how this looks- I hoping it will give them greater depth and texture- as right now Im feeling slightly bored of the pattern and colours.
(Stencils layered up, showing the new stenciling style)